
Dunzo clone

This is a Dunzo UI clone made with flutter and firebase as a learning project. Mainly I was inspired by Dunzo's project listing and cart system and wanted to learn GetX package for Flutter. Only product listing and cart page works.

Technologies Used:Flutter, Firebase, Dart, GetX

Whatsapp UI Clone

This is a whatsapp UI clone based IOS, I built this UI as challenge after completeing a flutter course. I loved the process and how it come up. The UI theme is blend with device setting.(light/dark mode).

Technologies Used:Flutter, Dart

Flutter Note

A Note app built with flutter and integrate with Firebase for user authentication and backend database. User can sign up or sign in and create, update and delete notes with realtime database. Also user can change app theme with dark mode or blend in with device setting. Enjoy playing!

Technologies Used:Flutter, Firebase, Dart, GetX